Saturday, June 13, 2009

como in bici sunday ridin!

There are certain things that only happen in italy! I left for a ride with one jersey on and came back with a different one! Oscar and I decided to go for a nice,easy, med-long spin on sunday and we ran into this great group from Como in bici.  they were kind enough to let the girl hang with them. I had a borrowed aluminium bike and they were making fun of the "so pro" with such a bike! Regardless, they were "impressed" with my mad skills hahahha!! turns out that the president of the team is friends with Max.  Lol maybe that was the reason why they gave me the jersey.  The good news is that they live nearby the World Championship Course for 2009 in Mendrisio, and I am gonna have a crowd cheering for me! Its soo nice to hear people yell out your name when you are racing! I had that awesome surprise at Flanders when my friend Mike Audley was on vacation and had come out to watch the suffer fest and cheered as I was going up one of the Muirs.  So nice! thanks again you guys for all the support!! every little bit counts and it goes a loooong way!!

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